15 Best Barre Workouts at Home for Beginners

15 Best Barre Workouts at Home for Beginners
Are you looking to start a new workout regimen and want to do something fun? Barre combines the strength and balance of yoga and Pilates, the upbeat, fun music of Zumba, and the detailed, small movements of ballet. In other words, it’s a full-body workout that goes far beyond just getting you ready to use the ballet barre. Speaking of which, even if you’re not prepared to use the barre yet, you can still perform a barre workout at home!
Top Barre Workouts at Home for Beginners
If you have a desk job, you’ll especially appreciate what an at home barre workout can do for your body. Let go of the stress you’ve accumulated through posture and deep breathing exercises. This will also help build your back muscles up, which will enable you to avoid getting the tense, tight muscles you’re most likely used to.
- Pulse – A downward movement. Should be timed to coincide with the music tempo’s lowest point.
- Up an Inch, Down an Inch – Indicates a one-inch range of motion. Slow, slightly larger than a pulse, but smaller than your full range of motion.
- Hold – A movement that’s held in its tightest, lowest, deepest position to allow isometric contraction.
1. Plie and Reach
This exercise will open up your shoulders, inner thighs, latissimus dorsi, abs, and chest. It also offers the perfect way to warm up quickly. Be sure to check the YouTube video to ensure you’re doing this move correctly. This motion comes directly from ballet, but you don’t need to be a dancer to do it! Please note that you do NOT need a barre bar to complete this workout. (https://youtu.be/3oas1pSDFxI?si=BQLqYMLGyMi0VWpA or https://youtu.be/ycnoADOEG8E?si=e9fNssWL8oGW6RTR)
- Stand with your feet a bit wider apart than shoulder-distance. Turn your feet out, then bend your knees into a deep squat.
- Reach your arms out to each side to open your chest.
- Stand, then reach one of your arms up and over your head toward the opposite side.
- Alternate sides and repeat.
2. Tabletop Dart
This exercise will work on your hamstrings, erector spinae, multifidus, and glutes. Use the directions listed below or, if you prefer, follow along with the YouTube video. (https://youtu.be/h9HF5zDPBc0?si=Xysj4TSsqMycOCtc or https://youtu.be/zBdY96ZoOgM?si=G4kzCT4DF7pE7FwH)
- Begin with your wrist stacked beneath your shoulders, and ensure your elbows have a soft bend. Keep your head lined up with your spine, along with your base knee beneath your hip.
- Use your core to lift the working leg.
- Now, place the ball behind your working knee. Be sure to hold it at a 90-degree angle.
- Lift, then lower your working leg. Pulse at the top.
- Hold at the top. Make small circles in one direction (repeat in the opposite direction) or squeeze the ball.
3. Clamshell
Now that you’ve gotten warmed up a bit, it’s time to move on to the clamshell. This move is much more muscle-focused and allows you to work on your outer thigh and side glute. Use the following YouTube video to ensure you’re doing it correctly. (https://youtu.be/rtF5jAnilyQ?si=23NfgUT8TEm0bNBN or https://youtu.be/Cn09FlW5Zfs?si=dopGnJh0HiYNh8ry)
- Begin by lying on your side. Place a pillow or ball beneath your ribcage to ensure you stay lifted.
- Bend your knees in front of your hips and press your forearms into the floor.
- Connect with your toes and heels to engage your oblique muscles.
- Lift your top knee upward, and make sure not to rock your hips. Lift full range, followed by pulsing at the top. Hold.
- Keep your hips stacked as you press your knee toward your back.
- Extend your top leg straight. Pulse your straight leg up, then inch and down an inch. Circle your leg back and forward.
4. Quadruped Single Leg Extensions
Don’t have access to a barre? No problem! You can still work your core, hamstrings, and glutes by working from your hands and knees. Be sure not to let your lower-back arch! Check out this YouTube video to make sure you’ve got the hang of this movement.
(https://youtu.be/rbZZQ3SZDo4?si=lXdlEPEqoNDvhhP6 or https://youtu.be/0gQrqTXJsmg?si=abmLtUlmBNFYbfYJ)
- Begin on your hands and knees. Extend your right leg straight back with your toes on the floor.
- Without arching your back, lift and lower your straight leg as high as possible (which won’t be very high).
- Repeat this process for 30-45 seconds.
- Next, hold your leg up just an inch higher and pulse for 15-30 seconds.
- Keep your leg high, flex your foot, and bend your knee to 90-degrees. At the same time, squeeze your heel toward your glute.
- Extend your leg straight again and repeat for 30-45 seconds.
- Keep your knee bent and leg high. Pulse your heel inward toward your butt for 15-30 seconds.
Cardio barre workouts (no equipment)
Are you looking for a cardio barre workout at home with no equipment? We’ve got the perfect exercises for you! Some of these may seem deceptively simple, but we know you’ll start sweating in no time. Once you’ve completed these barre workouts at home with no equipment, you’ll be prepared to move on to more difficult movements.
5. March in Place
Yes, something as seemingly simple as marching in place is a good cardio barre workout! In fact, it’ll target your quads, cardiovascular system, glutes, and core. All you have to do is keep up the intensity, and you’ll really get your heart rate up. Check the instructions below or watch this YouTube video. (https://youtu.be/gybGhUGETUk?si=F7u8D5sevEtkeQm5 or https://youtu.be/-lBiB_wYIhg?si=laCJxpaqAjx4VSSE&t=105)
- Turn your basic march into a skip march to turn up the impact. This is done by releasing your arms high (opens your chest) and adding in a little hop. If you need this motion to be easier, skip the hop.
- The entire time you’re marching, work your inner core muscles and don’t forget to breathe!
Some people will march in place for only 30-60 seconds, while others will stick with this motion for several minutes. Meet yourself wherever you are. You can always extend your sessions as time goes on.
6. Inner Thigh Leg Squeeze
Your inner thighs will really feel the burn as they connect with your inner core muscles. As an added bonus, you’ll also work your obliques and shoulders. Be sure to review the YouTube video for proper form.
(https://youtu.be/zN1SXEEL3d0?si=iNv_njI4SJbwdvkz or https://youtu.be/tRHmeHvjaV0?si=drhgf6-xqU22OPe5)
- Lay on your right side and extend your legs long. Use your elbow (beneath your shoulder) to press onto your forearm. Activate your obliques and shoulder by pressing out of your side body.
- Point your toes, lift your top leg up to 90-degrees, and pull your quad off your kneecap.
- Flex your feet. Now, squeeze your top leg back down until it meets your lower leg. Remember to keep your hips and shoulders squared to the side. Keep pulling your belly off the ground. Imagine that you’re pulling your belly button up and in. This will help activate your deeper core.
- Repeat this movement 15-20 times, then switch sides.
Tip: You can make this exercise a bit easier by bending your bottom leg slightly. It will decrease some of the pressure on your supporting hip.
7. Glute Bridge
Now it’s time to target your hamstrings and glutes! Glute bridges are a standard movement that has been incorporated into a wide variety of different workout routines. Therefore, you probably already know how to do them. If you’re unsure, though, check the YouTube video for perfect alignment.
(https://youtu.be/OUgsJ8-Vi0E?si=qDuhqETsRitjgr6q or https://youtu.be/Xp33YgPZgns?si=79pTP3q9xHIHkWhb)
- Begin on your back in a supine position. Place your toes facing forward and keep your feet hip-distance apart.
- Firmly press your palms into the ground. Inhale, then when it’s time to exhale, lift your hips upward as you press your heels down to the ground.
- Lift upward so that your shoulder blades, hips, and knees make one straight line.
- Lower down and repeat!
8. Open Pretzel Side Seat Work
360 strength is vital, so it’s important to include a beginner barre workout at home that allows you to incorporate this. Give your glute medius and gluteus maximus a workout to remember with the Open Pretzel Side Seat Work. Not sure how to do this movement? Consult with a YouTube video!
(https://youtu.be/Xp33YgPZgns?si=79pTP3q9xHIHkWhb or https://youtu.be/bIUbIpRbHEo?si=_8m1eZqGNdkfb3KC)
- Begin on all fours. Keep your wrists beneath your shoulders and knees under your hips. Pull your left heel toward your butt and point your toes.
- Next, drive up with your left knee until it’s approximately 90 degrees. You should feel it in your glute max.
- Point your knee toward the corner that’s behind you. Allow your knee to drop just a hair, so that your inner thigh points more toward the ground.
- Bring your toe around the right side of your body. Keep your shoulders and hips squarely to the ground. Be sure to protect your lower back by pulling your belly button up and in.
- Repeat the squeeze by pulsing for 20 seconds. Next, switch sides.
- Remember to keep breathing. Repeat the motion on both sides 2-4 times.
Tip: Use a counter or couch beneath your hands to perform this motion if you need to put less stress on your lower back.
Barre Home Workouts with Equipment
Are you ready to move on to doing some barre workouts with equipment? Don’t worry, you won’t need much to complete the following movements. A simple set of dumbbells and a resistance band will allow you to perform each of the barre workouts at home with equipment.
9. Tricep Kickback
Have you been having difficulty pushing or pulling things in your daily life? Take control by doing some tricep kickbacks! This exercise will also work out your shoulders, core, and back. Not sure how to do this motion? Check the YouTube video!
https://youtu.be/ShCYaoHmWmk?si=VgkYrGlQCdcWZ08y or https://youtu.be/m9me06UBPKc?si=dT6eemLFuJgrESgE)
- Begin on all-fours. Keep your knees beneath your hips and your wrists beneath your shoulders. Now, drive your left elbow behind you. Be sure your palm and the inside of your arm are facing you.
- Extend backward with your left hand, and ensure it stays as straight as possible. Accent the squeeze on your tricep.
- Next, pull your hand back toward your shoulder. Work your bicep, then repeat the extension. Protect your lower back by pulling your belly button up and in.
- Repeat 15-20 times, then switch sides. Go through both sides 2-4 times total.
Tip: Do you need to make this movement simpler? Use a counter or couch under your hands.
10. Hamstring Curl with Resistance Band
Working out your hamstrings is always a good idea, especially since it’s your hamstrings that enable you to walk, bend over, climb stairs, etc. Although you can do a hamstring curl without using a resistance band, you’ll get a much better workout if you incorporate one. Refer to a YouTube video to get this motion right.
(https://youtu.be/k9m2QjHKfR4?si=DA82MrrrgL1fEAFA&t=777 or https://youtu.be/LtTcXXgeRYo?si=2jgN1HAGlFXPcpjc)
- Lay down on your stomach with your resistance band wrapped around your legs.
- Bend your knees slowly as you pull them up and back toward your butt.
- Slowly return to your starting position.
If you’ve done them correctly, you’re going to feel tension in the back of your thighs. Repeat at least 10-20 times. Do not use your lower back, neck, or arms to pull yourself. Instead, allow your leg muscles to take on most of the work.
11. Side Lunge with Passe Balance
Perform the following side lunges while you hold lightweight dumbbells in your hands. To get the basic motion correct, be sure to check this YouTube video.
(https://youtu.be/rvqLVxYqEvo?si=Kl6JJCnQ6hLJM1bs or https://youtu.be/gwWv7aPcD88?si=owybzZXxztjyx7p0)
- Begin by standing with your feet together. Clasp your hands in front of your chest and hold a dumbbell in each.
- As you inhale, take a large step to the left. Immediately after, sink your hips back, bend your left knee, and lower into a lunge.
- As you exhale, push through your left foot to straighten it, while simultaneously lifting your arms back in front of your chest. Be sure your elbows are bent and tucked close to your sides. Quickly lift your left foot up to your right knee and point your left knee to the side with your toes pointed to the ground.
- Extend your left knee and step out toward the left to start the next rep.
- Do 10-15 reps, then switch sides.
12. Deadlift Lunges
These lunges can be performed in a variety of different ways. To ensure you’re doing the right movements, check the YouTube video and the directions listed below.
(https://youtu.be/EwsySYcQrBs?si=I29y-P9xft4Cc3O1 or https://youtu.be/KNXABekjWxU?si=x96H0F4L3ySwUKQ8)
- Stand with your arms at your sides and your feet hip-width apart. Hold one or two dumbbells in your left palm with your palm facing your thigh. Next, take one tiny step back with your right foot. Ensure there’s a slight bend in your left knee and keep your right heel off the floor.
- Engage your core and keep your arms pointed straight down. Now, hinge at your waist and press your hips backward as you lower your dumbbells to the ground. Be sure to keep your dumbbells close to your body. Keep lowering until you feel a stretch in your left hamstring.
- Keep your back flat and core engaged. Press into your left foot to come back to the starting position.
- Repeat for 10-15 reps, then switch sides.
Other easy at home Barre Workouts
Now that you’ve mastered the previous 12 movements, it’s time to move on to a full barre workout at home for free! Follow along with the YouTube videos to ensure you’ve got it. Before you know it, you’ll be able to adopt one of these workouts on a regular basis!
13. 15-Minute Barre Workout
(https://youtu.be/k9m2QjHKfR4?si=wnPyBW1VXGTsrfCm, https://youtu.be/vunaTP0EAs8?si=7kmiIMiHb-G2N191, or https://youtu.be/xSyAaE5UA8o?si=AEJcafKQpodJNB3y)
14. 20-Minute Barre Workout
(https://youtu.be/gaQ3v5I3_i4?si=wSU9uKTrhHbay8l8, https://youtu.be/IaUJFHbH-dQ?si=GYAJN5i9eQb2UlD0, or https://youtu.be/BSl6BYDhPY8?si=KNQIMKzTq54bG3sg)
15. 25-Minute Barre Workout
(https://youtu.be/Kjh0E9LrxRo?si=xTcbfVZefkOD329i, https://youtu.be/tSx9c4LtZwY?si=BtTiqIRvFN85DRE4, or https://youtu.be/E6kQ8JWNxAE?si=_GqnRIKaEyEY2P5X)
Are at home barre workouts effective?
Yes, they’re great for building your core and toning.
Is barre good for weight loss?
Absolutely! In fact, burning calories through barre is easier than it might seem.
How to do a barre workout at home?
Follow along with any of the videos we’ve listed above.
How many times a week should you do barre?
Do barre workouts 3-5 times per week once you’ve built up your stamina.
Is barre a good workout for beginners?
Yes! It requires no equipment and almost no previous experience to get started.
How often should a beginner do barre?
Start with two nonconsecutive sessions per week.
Can you lose belly fat with barre?
Yes! Barre workouts can definitely help you burn off belly fat.
Recommended socks for Barre Workouts
If you’re ready to take on the best at home barre workout, then it’ll be vital to protect your feet. Fortunately, TRUEENERGY® offers exactly what you need! Each pair of socks come equipped with infrared technology and compression, which means your feet will heal faster and you’ll experience improved circulation! Add in our expanded heel pockets, mesh venting, and comfort welt top, and you’ve got yourself the ideal socks to perform barre exercises. Moisture protection will also help, along with their natural breathability and softness.
Anyone who is truly serious about doing barre should purchase a pair of socks from TRUEENERGY® today! They’ll protect your feet so you can do barre again and again with ease.